Handok and Songsuk Welfare Foundation Launch “It’s All Right Campaign” in Support of Women with Fabry Disease

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    2021.05.26 14:23
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Handok (Chairman & CEO Young-jin Kim, Vice President Jin-ki Paik) and the Songsuk Welfare Foundation launched the “It’s All Right Campaign” in support of women patients with Fabry disease at a meeting held online on May 22, 2021.

Fabry disease is a rare illness caused by a lack of alpha-galactosidase A enzymes. It is genetically transferred through the X chromosome, and some female patients are suffering not only from the treatment but also from feelings of guilt or a psychological burden because it is a genetically transmitted disease. The “It’s All Right Campaign” is a social contribution activity that helps to ease anxiety and depression in women with Fabry disease so they can lead more positive lives. The campaign is operated by the Songsuk Welfare Foundation, which supports Fabrykorea, a nonprofit organization to benefit Fabry patients, and sponsored by Handok.

The Campaign will roll out various activities throughout the year, such as a program to enhance understanding of genetic diseases and improve family relationships, a psychological support program to help manage negative emotions, and a network program where patients can share their concerns and experiences. In addition, the “Fabry Disease Experiences Data” system, which includes information on symptoms, treatments, challenges, and personal solutions so that Fabry patients can easily search for any questions they have in regards to their illness, will be constructed.

One patient who attended the first meeting noted, “I usually search for information on Fabry disease because it is a disease that I have and my child could also have, but the information available online is limited. It is reassuring to think there is a platform in which I can share my concerns with patients with similar experiences, and I think it will be a considerable help to me.”

Eun-ji Choi, Team Leader at Songsuk Welfare Foundation, remarked, “Fabry disease patients are often anxious about not only treating the disease but also about their pregnancy, childbirth, childcare, and relationships with their families. We will listen to them so that we can offer substantial assistance and continuously reflect their opinions in our activities”.

All Fabry disease patients can participate in the “It’s All Right Campaign”. Related inquiries and applications for participation can be made to the Songsuk Welfare Foundation.